Thursday, July 14, 2011

Superstitions - a little closer to home

With the previous post about the top 10 hockey superstitions I thought about commenting a little closer to home. Some of you, if you play hockey you would notice that superstitions or rituals become natural and almost second nature...

Either with or without thought, one day a player does something a certain way and for some or other reason, it sticks... Either his team wins or he has amazing game scoring the game winner, and this is the beginning of a ritual or superstition in the making.

Players right here in South Africa too have the oddest rituals, some having to tape their stick before every game and often during every period, others have to put on a certain skate first, some wear a red g-string under their padded pants, others like to sit in their skates for 10 minutes before they kit up, more of a warm up but a few stick-handle a golf ball for 5 mins....

The pan-ultimate I guess is players that dare not wash their lucky under-kit or jock-strap, now you may think that "Thats cool, if thats his thing" but you have to feel for the players that have to sit either side of him.

I guess this is all part of the game that is made up of tons of history and been played by great athletes and we are the lucky ones that get to naturally follow in their superstitious ways like dirty underwear, throwing up before every game and standing on the same side of the goal-net as a pre-game ritual...


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